Sunday, December 16, 2012

Hillary's Phony Concussion

 This excerpt from Aaron Cantor about the subject says it all:
 Just when this bloated Machashaifeh (Yiddish for Witch) was about to be subpoenaed to testify under oath before a Senate committee concerning her specific knowledge about the Benghazi affair, she becomes incapacitated, so someone else will have to testify in her place, how convenient.
Again I say the denizens of Washington D.C. Have more slither than a bag of snakes.
The entire country has known for years that Hillary is as big a phony and liar as Bill going as far back as White Water and the Rose Law firm in Arkansas.
Just as an example, in case you have forgotten, the Rose Law Firm records were subpoenaed and couldn’t be found for two years and then lo and behold they were found in cardboard cartons under a table in Hillary’s white house office, but she didn’t know where they were.
Does anyone begin to detect the odor of the Fulton Street Fish Market?
I think this dizzy broad has some idea that she actually has a good shot at running for President in 2016.
In your friggin dreams!!!
In the aftermath of the Connecticut school shooting, not only do we have all kinds of politicians coming out of the woodwork to try and ram tighter gun regulations down our throats, we even have an idiot journalist by the name of Piers Morgan demanding tighter gun regulations, and this schmuck is a British Subject (this is none of your business you pompous jackass) go back to the U.K. and peddle your papers.
Just so all of you idiots in D.C. who are so full of yourself and your supposed superior intellect are concerned, I will again remind you that the 2nd Amendment in order to be changed in any way shape or form, requires a constitutional convention which then needs to be ratified by ¾ of the Legislatures of the several states (both Houses), and that has not happened in 234 years, so you Ganefs (in Case you are interested, the word ganef means a thief, a robber, or a swindler in Yiddish) take your Law Degrees and stuff them where the sun don’t shine, Farshtaist?

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